Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of School...Ever

Ready in 15 minutes

Okay, I guess Sam went to preschool last year but this is kindergarden. It's official school. I was a little concerned that Sam would have a hard time getting up on Tuesday morning for his first day. Ever since our vacation we've been on Oregon time so getting up at 6:30 am instead of 8:30 or 9 or later...I didn't think he's handle it very well. However, at 6:30 when I woke him up he hopped right out of bed, got dressed, had breakfast and was ready to go. It was great. Well, Sam was great. Eleanor and Peter were a different story. Peter had gone to bed fairly early and then he woke up at 3 am and wouldn't go back to sleep. And Eleanor got up too. They passed out around 6 am. I was hoping they would stay awake until after we took Sam to school and then we could all sleep but no such luck. We managed to get Sam to school on time though and he had a great day.

Eleanor, are you ready to take Sam to school?


Anonymous said...

im your favorite reader here!

Andrea said...

Wow, that is early. What time does school start? When we lived there I would get up at 6:30 and get the kids up at 7 which doesn't seem quite so bad.

Amanda said...

Sam looks so cute ready for school.

Gillian said...

I can not believe Sam is big enough for Kindergarten! No way! Seriously!

Gillian jumped out of bed her first day of Kindergarten, too. Then every day thereafter was a fight. She's a total sleeper and I regretted not putting her in afternoon Kindergarten. Oh we're on to First grade! No more sleeping in until Summer or Christmas vacation!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Smart Sam, the student! Good luck in kindergarten. School will probably have a big impact on your kids' sleep schedule. Hope it works out.

Janis said...

Sam looks great on his first day of school...ever! He will be a fantastic student!!

MaryAnn said...

I love the picture of Eleanor sleeping. Good luck with having a kid in school!