Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tagged Again

Okay, let's see...

10 years ago I was working at Intel. I can't remember exactly when I moved in with my grandparents so I was either living in the Marriott's garage (it was converted into an apartment) or living with my mom's parents. That was a fun experience.

5 things on my to do list
1) dishes
2) Relief Society meeting
3) get a babysitter for our anniversary date
4) check out the next book for our book club
5) sort through the stacks of paper piling up all over

3 bad habits
1) watching tv on the internet late at night
2) picking my nose
3) leaving the dishes (and other clutter) for later (actually I'm leaving the dishes for Jeff as a test but he hasn't passed the test yet!)

Places I've lived: Provo then Springville, UT, Tacoma, WA, Lacey, WA, Provo again, Wichita, KS

What I'd do if I became a millionaire: buy my dreamhouse and hire a housekeeper

Jobs I've had: scorekeeper for the girls basketball team, Wendy's, manufacturing tech at Intel, several custodial jobs, Provo Rec. Center, mom.

Things you may not know about me: I've gotten pulled over like 10 times. But I didn't get a ticket all those times, whew! I think snakes are cool. I don't care for Anne of Green Gables and I'm not the only one. I crocheted 11 hats in the last 3 weeks for our ward service project. Okay, that's enought for now.

I'm not going to tag anyone. I hope that's okay. No one said that if you break the chain bad luck will follow you for the next seven years or whatever...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Umm hmmm...

So, every once in a while we have to drive up to Kansas City for various things. On the drive up there is this billboard that says, "Accept Jesus Christ something something (as your Savior or something like that)--or regret it forever!" I always get a kick out of this. It's just sooo WEIRD! It may be true but it sounds so threatening. I try to imagine other peoples reactions to this sign. I always chuckle and shake my head so there must be other people who do that too. There's bound to be people who are offended or riled by it. But, is there anyone who drives by and sees "or regret it forever!" and thinks, "oh no! I better straighten up and fly right!" Has that billboard changed anyones life? I guess it's possible.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Okay, so I've been tagged by Amanda. Jeff had to tell me. It's been so long since I've done anything on the computer besides check my email and help the kids find nick jr. Here's the rules of the game: 1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages).
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people

The nearest book to me is...the phone book! The 5th entry on page 123 is "McDowell Chartered, 940 N Main St Wichita (8, H1)...........2690746"

So, if this company googles itself will my blog be in the search results? I'm actually between books right now, which feels wierd. Except the Book of Mormon of course but Amanda already told us what that says.

I tag Angi, Brenda, MaryAnn,'s all for now. Okay, you're it!