I love the face Peter is making in this picture.

This picture was taken sometime last year. Summer of 2009? I was trying to get some pictures of the kids for Jeff's desk. This picture didn't make the cut mostly because I needed more people in each picture. The pink background is his favorite blanket. We got it when Eleanor was born and the boys have both loved it. Peter is a very cheerful little guy and lots of fun.

This is Halloween. He is supposed to be Indiana Jones.

Peter loves the park, any park, to distraction. This is at the park in our neighborhood.

Peter is almost 3. He's getting so big. He can do practically everything and is very smart and athletic. He loves to run and jump and climb on everything just like every kid his age. His favorite book is "Are You My Mother?" He can pretty much read the whole thing himself. Well, not read but quote. He has it memorized almost word for word. It's so cute to hear him, "I did have a mother. I know I did. I will find my mother. I will. I will!" He's so emphatic on those "I will's." We love having him in our family.

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