Sam on the first day of school. This must be after school because he has that sticker on. He did very well in first grade. But we knew he would.

Sam took karate for a couple of months. He tested for and received two stripes on his belt so far. Yellow and orange. He may or may not do some more karate. He's interested in trying gymnastics out as well.

The kid in the middle is Jadon. He lives next door. He and Sam play together a lot which is great. Plus, Penny loves him. He's always picking her up and carrying her around. Sam and Jadon ride bikes and tie things up and sometimes they even play with Eleanor. I'm glad there are a few kids in the neighborhood to play with.

Sam was a Jedi for Halloween. Sam enjoys all things Star Wars. (I made the black robe and Jeff made the lightsaber. We're awesome. We're not very good with Halloween costumes so this was a big deal for us even though it is very simple. )

Here is Sam at the zoo today. If he was smiling bigger you might be able to see where he's lost a tooth. His second. No, third. He'll be seven years old in about 2 months. He's been a very good helper so far this summer. He's enjoying swimming lessons and has already completed the summer reading program. Way to go, Sam!