Monday, July 19, 2010
Living with Half a Brain-Maybe Less
I don't know how other moms feel but I think I'm losing my mind. Not necessarily my sanity although there is some of that but my intelligence. I seriously cannot remember things from one second to the next. I can barely form complete sentences. You wouldn't believe how many times I had to retype that last sentence. Some things I have to do don't require too much brain power...luckily. Like dishes or sweeping the floor. But other things turn out to be a real challenge. Making sure all four kids have shoes on or have eaten lunch. I'm okay if they are all right there but if one leaves the room.... I have been known to leave the house with snacks but forget Penny's pants. True story. The really bad part is when I have to do things like teach in Relief Society. I'll get half way through a thought and forget the ending. I'm going to have to start writing my lessons out like a talk. And heaven forbid someone should get me off track. Luckily the sisters are patient with me. I love Relief Society but I really think I should not be the one doing most of the talking. Please tell me I'll get my brain back after a while and won't be working on half capacity for the rest of my life.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Penny's Photo Update
Peter's Photo Update
I love the face Peter is making in this picture.

This picture was taken sometime last year. Summer of 2009? I was trying to get some pictures of the kids for Jeff's desk. This picture didn't make the cut mostly because I needed more people in each picture. The pink background is his favorite blanket. We got it when Eleanor was born and the boys have both loved it. Peter is a very cheerful little guy and lots of fun.

This is Halloween. He is supposed to be Indiana Jones.

Peter loves the park, any park, to distraction. This is at the park in our neighborhood.

Peter is almost 3. He's getting so big. He can do practically everything and is very smart and athletic. He loves to run and jump and climb on everything just like every kid his age. His favorite book is "Are You My Mother?" He can pretty much read the whole thing himself. Well, not read but quote. He has it memorized almost word for word. It's so cute to hear him, "I did have a mother. I know I did. I will find my mother. I will. I will!" He's so emphatic on those "I will's." We love having him in our family.

Friday, June 18, 2010
Sam's Photo Update
Sam on the first day of school. This must be after school because he has that sticker on. He did very well in first grade. But we knew he would.

Sam took karate for a couple of months. He tested for and received two stripes on his belt so far. Yellow and orange. He may or may not do some more karate. He's interested in trying gymnastics out as well.

The kid in the middle is Jadon. He lives next door. He and Sam play together a lot which is great. Plus, Penny loves him. He's always picking her up and carrying her around. Sam and Jadon ride bikes and tie things up and sometimes they even play with Eleanor. I'm glad there are a few kids in the neighborhood to play with.

Sam was a Jedi for Halloween. Sam enjoys all things Star Wars. (I made the black robe and Jeff made the lightsaber. We're awesome. We're not very good with Halloween costumes so this was a big deal for us even though it is very simple. )

Here is Sam at the zoo today. If he was smiling bigger you might be able to see where he's lost a tooth. His second. No, third. He'll be seven years old in about 2 months. He's been a very good helper so far this summer. He's enjoying swimming lessons and has already completed the summer reading program. Way to go, Sam!

Sam took karate for a couple of months. He tested for and received two stripes on his belt so far. Yellow and orange. He may or may not do some more karate. He's interested in trying gymnastics out as well.

The kid in the middle is Jadon. He lives next door. He and Sam play together a lot which is great. Plus, Penny loves him. He's always picking her up and carrying her around. Sam and Jadon ride bikes and tie things up and sometimes they even play with Eleanor. I'm glad there are a few kids in the neighborhood to play with.

Sam was a Jedi for Halloween. Sam enjoys all things Star Wars. (I made the black robe and Jeff made the lightsaber. We're awesome. We're not very good with Halloween costumes so this was a big deal for us even though it is very simple. )

Here is Sam at the zoo today. If he was smiling bigger you might be able to see where he's lost a tooth. His second. No, third. He'll be seven years old in about 2 months. He's been a very good helper so far this summer. He's enjoying swimming lessons and has already completed the summer reading program. Way to go, Sam!

Eleanor's Photo Update
It's been a busy year for Eleanor. She started preschool in the fall. She was a role model in a class of autistic kids. She did very well. Unfortunately, it only lasted until Christmas. So then we found some other things to do. Here she is on the first day of school. Oooh, she's sooo little!

This is the picture we used to make the job chart. She's such a great kid.

Eleanor has fun being a big sister.

She really enjoys posing for the camera. Luckily she is very photogenic. She's looking forward to starting kindergarten in the fall. In just four more weeks she will be five. I can't believe it.

This is the picture we used to make the job chart. She's such a great kid.

Eleanor has fun being a big sister.

She really enjoys posing for the camera. Luckily she is very photogenic. She's looking forward to starting kindergarten in the fall. In just four more weeks she will be five. I can't believe it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Where Have All the Butterfinger BB's Gone?
Okay, I have a little complaint. I went to the store the other day for candy. Specifically Butterfinger BB's. Those things are awesome and I really needed some chocolate therapy. They were nowhere to be found. I was a little upset. I hope that the lack of Butterfinger BB's was an error or a locale thing and that they have not been discontinued. Sometimes it seems like all the things I like are discontinued. Okay, so far just Edy's Toffee Crunch ice cream and possibly Butterfinger BB's but these are the things that need to last. They are therapy people! Why would you discontinue the best flavor of ice cream on the planet?! I even checked out the Edy's website just to see and it was nowhere to be found. Man, I miss that ice cream. On the plus side there is no reason to cheat on my diet...if I were on a diet. I guess now I need to google Butterfinger BB's and see what happened to them. I think I'll do that now...
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