Three-year-olds are stubborn, opinionated, bossy, independent, precocious, intelligent, curious, affectionate, imaginative, and fun. I have a three-year-old. She's very good at it. She can keep up a good cry continuously. She says, "I'm not bossy! Now, come on!" Eleanor can do many things for herself most of the time. Every once in a while though..."Mom, I can't go downstairs it's dark down there." This most recent bout with fear of the dark went like this...Eleanor couldn't go downstairs because it was dark. So, I went to help her only to discover that the light for the stairs was on (which means it's not dark where the light switches are to the downstairs living room) and when I went downstairs the lights in the living room were already on--just not by the computer. It was totally light down there!
Eleanor loves to play family. She is the mom and Aunt Sarah is the daughter. However, Eleanor is not just any mom and she's not herself grown up. She's me. She makes everyone call her "Suzie" and we have to call Sarah "Eleanor." She insists. This is very confusing for me. I keep hearing my name but when I respond I find no one was talking to me. Except Sam. He refuses to call Eleanor "Suzie." He will not do it.
My three-year-old is very loving and affectionate. She loves to hug and kiss everyone...except Peter. He tries to give her a hug and kiss good night and she runs away. With everyone else however it's kisses galore. She's practically making out with us all the time. It's sweet and annoying. We try to help her keep her affectionate nature within the bounds of propriety.
There are many funny stories to tell about Eleanor but I have to wrap this up because my three-month-old is crying her head off. And I still have plenty of work to do to get ready for Sunday. Until next time...
1 comment:
She's so cute! I love that she likes being Suzy! Totally cracked me up!
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