So the other day I was talking to a friend about motherhood. One thing about motherhood is that you don't realize how horrible it is until it's too late. But I think horrible maybe isn't the right word. Maybe difficult is a better word. This is the hardest job I've ever had. Don't get me wrong I love it. My kids are awesome. They are fun and smart and interesting but that doesn't make this job a piece of cake. Right now they are so little it's more physically taxing than anything else. I don't get much sleep first of all. Sometimes staying up late is the only quiet time I get and when I want to go to bed early no one else will cooperate. I can only read about 1 and a half books to my kids before I'm falling asleep. However, my children are very patient and they just nudge me or call my name until we finish the book. Luckily, the rewards of parenting are enough to overshadow the other stuff. It doesn't seem like they would be when you look at the list. What do we have? Satisfaction, fulfillment, happiness, laughter, learning. They are so intangible. The negatives can really pile up if you let them. No sleep, never going to the bathroom alone or eating your own food, sharing the computer or xbox, neverending dishes and laundry. None of my pencils have erasers. Then there's the really bad stuff like finding out your child has a birth defect or some other serious problem. But you just have to let some stuff go and remember that someday they will be teenagers and it will be even worse.
Sam and Eleanor played together so well on Sunday. For hours. I loved it. Peter is saying new stuff every day. On Sunday he wanted to look at the Sacrament book (it has pictures of Jesus). So all during the Sacrament prayer he was yelling, "I want Jesus. I want Jesus. Hey, give my Jesus!" It was so funny. Not very reverent but funny. Penny does the commando crawl and can go almost anywhere. She's also been making a new face where she pushes her teeth together and pushes out her lips. I'll have to take a picture. Actually she doesn't have top teeth so it's just her bottom teeth and gums that go together but she might be getting a top tooth. It seems like it's been pretending to come in for a while now. Somehow all these things make the lack of sleep and fights over chores seem insignificant. These little children that are in my care, that I have stewardship over are such wonderful little people. I'm so glad they are in my family. So, even though some days are unbelievably challenging and, dare I say it, horrible, they are somehow wonderful at the same time. I think it's one of the mysteries of God.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
This Post Doesn't Exist
Sam has been doing this...thing...lately where he insists that stuff doesn't exist. He thinks that times like 12:12 and 11:11 don't exist and when they come up he always groans, "Oh no! Not 12:12!" The other day we were teasing the kids about getting moldy bread for a bedtime snack and apparently they didn't know what moldy bread is because Sam told us moldy bread doesn't exist while Eleanor started insisting that she wanted moldy bread for her snack. Don't worry they didn't get any moldy bread. We were all out. Plus, it doesn't exist.
Say No to Housework
Sometimes I think I ought to do more housework than I do. However, recent events have lead me to reevaluate. My housework seems to be cursed. It may be cursed for all parents of small children, I'm not sure, however it certainly is cursed for me. Whenever I find the time to do a little work like the dishes or folding the clothes or making the beds something happens. The most recent incident was during the dishes. I'm nearly done with the dishes when Sam calls me downstairs because Peter is getting into trouble. What do I find? Eleanor styling Penny's hair with Orajel. Other incidents include Peter drinking the sugar and Eleanor lotioning up with body wash. Isn't it fun how kids find work for you to do while you are working?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Eleanor Sings
This was so cute I have to share it. I was driving somewhere and Eleanor was with me. She was singing the ABC song and making up her own words. Suddenly she yells, "Spanish!" and starts singing in "Spanish." I think there was even one real Spanish word in there. Then she yelled, "Family!" and started singing all the names in the family. She included "mom" and "Suzie" and even Evelyn (my brother Ben's oldest for any who don't know.)
Lessons I've Learned from My Children: #1 Embarrassment is No Longer a Feeling It's a Way of Life.
I always wondered what was up with parents. Why aren't they embarrassed by anything? They can do the dorkiest stuff and not care at all. Now I know why. Children. They root that embarrassment stuff right out of you. They teach you how to suck it up. Of course, then they grow up and are embarrassed for you.
I have always loved the library. One of the first things Jeff and I did when we moved here was to get library cards. Well, when I first started bringing the kids to the was kind of a disaster. They didn't tear any books or scream their heads off (although that's been known to happen since then) but it was kind of embarrassing for me. Our main branch has a stage kind of area where they do nursery rhyme time with the kids. Well, the steps are hollow and when kids run on them the people in the conference room and offices next door can hear it quite well. So of course every time we went to the library the kids would run on the steps and we would get in trouble. (What are these people thinking putting the Children's Room next to the conference room? I know it's a library but, hello, it's the Children's Room.) It was seven or eight trips to the library before the kids finally figured out that they needed to walk quietly on the steps or not at all. It was embarrassing to me to get scolded by the librarian every time we went to the library. Then while I was trying to help one child be quiet the other would go running out of the room and try to get on the elevator. Also, I forgot to mention, Sam was getting potty trained. I think he only had one accident at the library but that was enough. Surprisingly, they had nothing to clean with and had to call someone up to the Children's Room. You would think they would have a bottle of carpet cleaner behind the desk or something. Again, it is the Children's Room. Despite all of this we continued to go to the library. What was I going to do? Not go? Don't be ridiculous. Sam and Eleanor are usually pretty good now but Peter is still learning how to behave in the library. Luckily I no longer care what anyone thinks of us. We are doing our best and that's what matters.
On our way in to the library.

Peter using the computer in the Children's Room.
I have always loved the library. One of the first things Jeff and I did when we moved here was to get library cards. Well, when I first started bringing the kids to the was kind of a disaster. They didn't tear any books or scream their heads off (although that's been known to happen since then) but it was kind of embarrassing for me. Our main branch has a stage kind of area where they do nursery rhyme time with the kids. Well, the steps are hollow and when kids run on them the people in the conference room and offices next door can hear it quite well. So of course every time we went to the library the kids would run on the steps and we would get in trouble. (What are these people thinking putting the Children's Room next to the conference room? I know it's a library but, hello, it's the Children's Room.) It was seven or eight trips to the library before the kids finally figured out that they needed to walk quietly on the steps or not at all. It was embarrassing to me to get scolded by the librarian every time we went to the library. Then while I was trying to help one child be quiet the other would go running out of the room and try to get on the elevator. Also, I forgot to mention, Sam was getting potty trained. I think he only had one accident at the library but that was enough. Surprisingly, they had nothing to clean with and had to call someone up to the Children's Room. You would think they would have a bottle of carpet cleaner behind the desk or something. Again, it is the Children's Room. Despite all of this we continued to go to the library. What was I going to do? Not go? Don't be ridiculous. Sam and Eleanor are usually pretty good now but Peter is still learning how to behave in the library. Luckily I no longer care what anyone thinks of us. We are doing our best and that's what matters.
On our way in to the library.
Peter using the computer in the Children's Room.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Three-year-olds are stubborn, opinionated, bossy, independent, precocious, intelligent, curious, affectionate, imaginative, and fun. I have a three-year-old. She's very good at it. She can keep up a good cry continuously. She says, "I'm not bossy! Now, come on!" Eleanor can do many things for herself most of the time. Every once in a while though..."Mom, I can't go downstairs it's dark down there." This most recent bout with fear of the dark went like this...Eleanor couldn't go downstairs because it was dark. So, I went to help her only to discover that the light for the stairs was on (which means it's not dark where the light switches are to the downstairs living room) and when I went downstairs the lights in the living room were already on--just not by the computer. It was totally light down there!
Eleanor loves to play family. She is the mom and Aunt Sarah is the daughter. However, Eleanor is not just any mom and she's not herself grown up. She's me. She makes everyone call her "Suzie" and we have to call Sarah "Eleanor." She insists. This is very confusing for me. I keep hearing my name but when I respond I find no one was talking to me. Except Sam. He refuses to call Eleanor "Suzie." He will not do it.
My three-year-old is very loving and affectionate. She loves to hug and kiss everyone...except Peter. He tries to give her a hug and kiss good night and she runs away. With everyone else however it's kisses galore. She's practically making out with us all the time. It's sweet and annoying. We try to help her keep her affectionate nature within the bounds of propriety.
There are many funny stories to tell about Eleanor but I have to wrap this up because my three-month-old is crying her head off. And I still have plenty of work to do to get ready for Sunday. Until next time...
Friday, February 6, 2009
Stages 2

Peter is at a great stage too. He is starting to learn actual words. He always talked quite a bit but all nonsense. Now he says 'mommy' for just about everything but he's starting to learn a few other words (gotcha and daddy so far). He mostly does sounds. He is a fantastic growler. He knows what cows say but it sounds more like 'beeee' than 'mooo'. I don't know what that's about but it's cute. He also does 'uh uh' and 'mmmm'. He's very independent but it mostly gets him into trouble right now. He tries to get drinks from the water dispenser on the fridge and almost always gets soaked. He can fill up the cup but when he tries to bring it back down he tips it and gets all wet...or he tries to fill up something that has a lid on it. He's smart but he is only 1 and a 1/2. Peter does a lot of screaming. Mostly to be silly. He and the other kids will run up and down the hall and scream. He also loves books. He brings us books all the time to look at with him. He doesn't have the patience to sit through an actual story however so we usually read one sentence or less and then turn the page. Jeff and I are pretty bored with his favorite books but we don't want to discourage him so we read them anyway.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I love the stage that Penny is at. You know, the one where she can't do anything. I don't have to worry that she'll fall off the bed or down the stairs or stick her finger in an outlet. Not like the other kids. (Although, I do have to protect her from being carried around upside down by Peter--true story.) Actually, I love all the baby stages. When they can roll over onto their stomach and they are so proud of themselves and they do it over and over again. Only you have to keep coming and turning them back over because they get stuck on their stomach with their face in the floor and then they cry. But this beginning stage is so cute. Penny is like a little sack of potatoes only not so lumpy. She's also like a bobble head. She likes to try to lift her head and look around but her head is wobbling all over the place. I try to support her head but it's hard when she's so determined to look around and it is bobbling around so much.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Happy One Month Birthday, Penny!
Penny just passed her one month birthday on Thursday. She stayed awake most of the day and has been staying awake during the day ever since. She slept all day for her first month and her awake time was usually around 2 or 3 am to 7 or 8 am. It's so funny how abrupt the change was. She already looks different. She's bigger and more alert. I think she's even about to grow out of something. Sometimes it seems sad how fast they grow up but I am not going to miss this last month--what I can remember of it.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Bad Book Review
So, I read this really terrible book recently. It was really bad. As in stupid. But I read the whole thing. Maybe I shouldn't admit that. But I had to find out what happened to the one nice girl. The book was called "Dangerous Kiss" by Jackie Collins. First of all there was no dangerous kiss. There was a little kissing but nothing that would elicit such a title. Secondly, all the characters were beautiful people. Jackie Collins describes everyone in the most glowing and complimentary terms...even the ugly people were paragons of beauty. The book is about rich, powerful, famous people in Hollywood so of course there are a lot of good looking people but come on. Thirdly, almost everyone is bad. Actually, a lot of them are currently happily (and faithfully) married but had plenty of "fun" with drugs, sex, and rock'n'roll, or whatever, before. The main character is this beautiful (of course), powerful, independent woman. She and her husband are supposedly happily married and deeply in love but she makes a life changing decision without him and he is understandably upset and she yells at him for trying to control her. She slept with her best friend because she thought her husband was dead and then when he came back-alive-she didn't confess because she thought he was dead so it's okay, right? Which takes us to number four: ridiculous plot lines. The nice girl in the book decides to get revenge on a guy (date rape) and he manages to knock her out, kidnap her, get her hooked on heroin and marry her. He does all of this because she is going to inherit a huge fortune when she turns 35. The point of all of this is don't read Jackie Collins books. They are stupid.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Pictures of Baby
Okay, now that the baby is 3 1/2 weeks old I can post some pictures. Hopefully I won't fall asleep while I'm working on this. I fall asleep almost every time I sit down. It makes it hard to read a whole story to the kids. Okay here are some pictures of Penny. Most of them were taken today.

This one is weird because she looks like a doll.

This one is weird because she looks like a doll.

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