Monday, September 24, 2007

Why am I an idiot?

My little guy, Peter, had a doctor's appointment today in Kansas City. Two actually. Well, I've been there before so when I couldn't find the directions right away I thought, "I've been there before. I can find it." Wrong, wrong, wrong. I was sooo lost. It's my own fault. I second guessed myself and got off the freeway too early. So then I was wandering around Kansas City, Kansas when I needed to be in Kansas City, Missouri. I called the hospital and had all kinds of people giving me directions. Finally I found my way back to the freeway and got on the right road. So, I was an hour late for Peter's appointment. Luckily, they squeezed him in because I wasn't about to leave after all of that trauma. Did I mention that it is a three hour drive to Kansas City from here? Yeah. Peter and I were both VERY ready to get out of the car. His appointments went fine and the drive home was a breeze. Go figure.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Sounds like something I would have done! I once drove the wrong direction in Wyoming for three hours. A six hour mistake! Not my proudest moment. BTW, how is Peter doing?