Saturday, June 20, 2009

This Post Doesn't Exist

Sam has been doing this...thing...lately where he insists that stuff doesn't exist. He thinks that times like 12:12 and 11:11 don't exist and when they come up he always groans, "Oh no! Not 12:12!" The other day we were teasing the kids about getting moldy bread for a bedtime snack and apparently they didn't know what moldy bread is because Sam told us moldy bread doesn't exist while Eleanor started insisting that she wanted moldy bread for her snack. Don't worry they didn't get any moldy bread. We were all out. Plus, it doesn't exist.

Say No to Housework

Sometimes I think I ought to do more housework than I do. However, recent events have lead me to reevaluate. My housework seems to be cursed. It may be cursed for all parents of small children, I'm not sure, however it certainly is cursed for me. Whenever I find the time to do a little work like the dishes or folding the clothes or making the beds something happens. The most recent incident was during the dishes. I'm nearly done with the dishes when Sam calls me downstairs because Peter is getting into trouble. What do I find? Eleanor styling Penny's hair with Orajel. Other incidents include Peter drinking the sugar and Eleanor lotioning up with body wash. Isn't it fun how kids find work for you to do while you are working?